
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Losing Weight Fast And Easy

Starve for Curves

If eating lesser than you used to is good, then eating nothing at all must be better on how to lose weight fast, right? Well not exactly. Starvation has been one of the oldest forms of dieting for losing weight fast and easy. But going on starvation mode is a really bad idea.

Your metabolism will start slowing down when you start taking lesser calories. This will lead to slowing down of the fat burning process.

And this is definitely not a fast and easy way to lose weight. That is why once you start eating again, you might notice that you become bigger and fatter faster than usual. This is because your metabolism is not working better than it used to.

Sure, starving is one of the fast easy ways to lose weight . The problem is, the result can make you looking like sick. It certainly is not a beautifying effect. Instead of beautiful, you will look bizarre. So don’t be surprised if people will keep on asking you if you’ve been hospitalized.

Starvation is similar to depriving your body with its needed nutrients. You will certainly lose weight but you’ll look like literally skin and bones. The sight will be horrible and you’ll be like a living zombie.

Still the best easy way to lose weight fast is to eat just the just the right amount of appropriate food in the appropriate interval. 

Read Here on Our previous post on Easy Way To Lose Weight Fast

What to Eat and Not to Eat

Starvation Diet
Among our tips to lose weight fast and easy is to eat everything fresh. That’s the first rule to fast and easy ways to lose weight. Never ever let any processed food get in your diet. When we say “processed,” this includes all the foods that are boxed, canned, jagged, and frozen. These food stuffs contain loads of nasty additives and preservatives that are unnecessary and dangerous for the body.

You now know what not to eat for easy diets to lose weight fast. Time to know what to eat to lose weight. The trick is to eat healthy, fresh foods that are low in calories like fresh fish, organic poultry, naturally raised meats, organic whole eggs, fresh herbs, raw nuts, and fresh vegetables and fruits.

Also choose foods will less oil, less sugar, and less salt. Herbs and spices can do well in giving food a flavor. There are also a lot f recipe books out there that will help you find healthier alternatives to the all-time favorite meals.

For example, instead of eating the traditional ice cream, go with the frozen yogurt for a fast and easy way to lose weight. It is as creamy and tasty without the high calories. Instead of using the real whipping cream, choose the lighter but equally delicious mock whipping cream.

Read about starvation diet here 

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